Files Tab
The list box contains the paths to all files linked to the current project and required for viewing, editing and simulating it.
- Globals: Globals file (.glb).
- Units: File (.csr) containing information on Units.
- Excel Reports: Excel spreadsheet (.xls, .xlsx, .xlsm or .xlsb) used for Excel Reports.
- Results: Results file (.rlt), where the results of the simulation will be saved when the economic model is next run. See Results Window.
- Economic Model: Economic model (.eco) used for running PetroVR Econ.
- Excel Inputs (optional): MS Excel spreadsheets (.xls / .xlsx) to which one or more inputs in the project are linked; see Communication with MS Excel. Only visible when a variable has been defined as an Excel Input.
- Excel Outputs (optional): MS Excel spreadsheet (.xls / .xlsx) where variables marked for Excel Outputwill be saved. Only visible when a variable has been marked for Excel Output.
- Reservoir Map (optional): Window metafile image (.wmf) used as background maps in the Map Tab. Only visible when maps images have been selected.
- Facility Image (optional): Window metafile images (.wmf) used to display facilities on the Surface Layout and selected in the Image sub-tab of the facility General Tab (Facility). Only those image files that could not be found are listed.
- Surface Layout Map (optional): Window metafile image (.wmf) used as background map in the Surface Layout display. Only visible when a Surface Layout image has been selected.
- Contract (optional): File (.act) used to calculate Contracts results. Only visible if a contract has been associated to the project.
- Decision Tree (optional): File (.dts) used to calculate Decision Tree results. Only visible if a decision tree has been associated to the project.
- Scenarios (optional): File (.scn) used to calculate Scenarios results. Only visible if scenarios of the project has been defined.
- Excel Cases (optional): MS Excel spreadsheet (.xls / .xlsx) where the case counter cell used in Excel Cases is located. Only visible if Excel Cases have been defined.
By right-clicking any row you can get the following options:
Change location: Change any of these files (same as double-clicking on a row, or using the button at the bottom of the pane). Only Excel Reports and Results allow you to choose a non-existing file, i.e. to create it on the spot.
- Detach: Use this option to remove the link between the current project and its Econ, Scenarios, Decision Tree, Units or Contracts associated files.
If PetroVR cannot find a file - this may happen for example if you have copied the project from another location - the file name is displayed in red color if it is a necessary file for running a simulation, or if the specified directory does not exist. Other missing files that do not prevent the simulation from running appear in blue instead. In cases such as Results, the name appears in black even if the file does not exist, since the application will create it when the Econ model is simulated. Likewise, an Excel file is created when the first Reports are output to Excel.
When necessary files are missing, you can use the Find Missing button to let PetroVR automatically update all file name references. Pressing the button will invoke a file search in the following order:
- Look in the project start-up directory for all files except for image files.
- Look in the default project directory; see Options (Tools menu).
- Look in the Windows default paths.
By default image files reside in the /Images folder of the PetroVR root directory. If an image is not found in the expected path but in the /Images folder the latter is used without any indication in the Files tab. To change the location of the default image folder see Options (Tools menu).